SJP Taskforce 2020-2021
CorrespondencesMay 18th Archdiocese Update
April Travel Update March 22nd Archdiocese Update February 22nd Archdiocese Update Catholic Schools Moving Forward Update Catholic Schools File Lawsuit Against City DOE November 11 Governor Update The Flu: A Guide for Parents Halloween COIVD Guidance Health Screening & Cleaning Health, Hygiene Practices, & School Nurse School Reopening Stages PPE, Social Distancing & Medical Social Emotional, Services & Drills August 14th Update August 10th Update Town Hall Summary July 27th Letter Archdiocese of New York Reopening Plan July 13th Update Letter from Monsignor Petrillo July 1st Letter Taskforce Introduction |
FAQ'sApproximately when will there be an announcement of the plan for SJP for September?
New York State plans to issue guidelines in mid July and announcements about school reopening in the first week of August, as noted above. Once we know those guidelines and those of the Archdiocese, we can provide more specific updates about what the Fall at SJP will look like. What kind of PPE, if any, does my child need for the Fall? We believe that masks may be required in the Fall for a specific age range. The Medical Committee on our Task Force is examining this issue and keeping informed with Federal and State guidelines. If PPE is required in the Fall, age ranges will be determined by the State of who must wear PPE in the building. Note: PPE - Personnel Protective Equipment, for example, masks. Will the school provide PPE or do students provide their own PPE? Parents will be required to provide PPE for their child/children at SJP. What is the schedule going to be like? New York State plans to issue announcements in the first week of August, as noted above. Once we know those guidelines and those of the Archdiocese, we can announce which of the plans we have been working on will go into effect for the Fall. We do believe that the safest, best place for our students is in the school, but need to be mindful of policy and recommendations. What happens if there is an outbreak? We are creating plans for isolating outbreaks and creating continuity in schoolwork should anyone need to learn remotely. |