Accelerated Learning Program for Students (ALPS)
The Accelerated Learning Program for Students (ALPS) offers academically and intellectually identified middle school students the opportunity to participate in an accelerated enriching classes (language arts, social studies and or math) in grades five through seven. At SJP the eighth grade also has an advanced math class (Algebra CC) taught during the school day. In math they must maintain a 90% or better on all tests in 7th grade, Score in the 90th percentile in ITBS, have a high 3 or 4 on the State Exams and must show a commitment to math, self-motivated and a willingness to be challenged in Algebra CC. Students may qualify for placement in the ALPS classes, in advanced Algebra CC, or in both. Students in these classes can expect an enriched and accelerated curriculum as well as assignments that are more rigorous.
Consideration for Middle School ALPS Classes
All students participate in the ITBS, which is administered to all students in the middle school at SJP. Using the results of this test and other educational records, students having the potential of benefiting from participation in the ALPS program are identified. Students whose recent ITBS reading achievement scores are at or above the 85th percentile and or their math scores are at or above the 85% will be identified and placed on a list for possible placement in the program. Student’s classroom test grades, teacher recommendation, and New York State Scores will also help to determine permanent placement in the program. Students are usually placed in September of the academic school year. Students may be considered after the first and second semester with teacher recommendation and educational test scores of 95% and above consistently. Seventh grade students in grade level math cannot move up into 7 ALPS after the first quarter. Students remain in the ALPS Program unless the student does not adhere to the minimum requirements.
Minimum ALPS Requirement:
For students to remain in ALPS classes they must maintain a minimum of an 80 average in their ALPS class(es). They must submit all work on time and complete. Failure to adhere to these requirements will cause SJP to place your child on probation for the following quarter. If grades do not improve the following quarter and your child does not receive an 80 or above in their ALPS class(es), they will be removed from the program.
Minimum ALPS Requirement:
For students to remain in ALPS classes they must maintain a minimum of an 80 average in their ALPS class(es). They must submit all work on time and complete. Failure to adhere to these requirements will cause SJP to place your child on probation for the following quarter. If grades do not improve the following quarter and your child does not receive an 80 or above in their ALPS class(es), they will be removed from the program.
Student and Family Commitment:
The challenges of the ALPS program require both students and their families to commit time and energy. Students and families who elect to participate in the program after your child has been recommend for the ALPS program agree to work together to ensure that the student:
Eighth Grade ALPS MATH Program: At SJP, the eighth grade also has an advanced math class (Algebra CC) taught during the school day. To be successful in our accelerated eighth-grade program, the following is recommended for a successful academic year: